The Finguz deck has 36 cards: six kinds of Tweaker cards and six kinds of Action cards.
Frozen Fingers
Hot Hand
Talk to the Hand
You play them and then put them face up on the Discard Pile, so plan ahead.
Tweaker cards let you do some math and change your Flickoff result. You can play multiple Tweaker cards at once to get to that special space you've always wanted.
Want to make someone miss their next turn? Play this one against them.
How was I supposed to know they had a Hot Hand on hand, so to speak? Now the mean-spirited, overly competitive clod who played a Frozen Fingers card against you is frozen instead.
Meanwhile, you are free to wiggle your fingers back to life and flick off with the best of them.
Point to anyone and they have to give you one of their cards. But you better hope they don't have a Talk to the Hand card, um, handy.
Ah, revenge is a dish best served with a Talk to the Hand card.
Play this card if someone throws a Pointer at you. Instead of you giving them a card, they give you one.
There's a term in the movies (and maybe even in books?) called "deus ex machina." That's when something happens out of the blue to save the hero after the writer got lazy and didn't set the plot up right.
Anyway, that's sort of what's going on here. When your opponent flicks off and has enough spaces for the win, you fling or politely present your Flicker card at or to them.
This causes them to become upset, because instead of winning, they have to move all the way back to Space 29. That's the last space in The Danger Zone.
Wait. You have the Kicker? Sweet!
You win. Really. That Flicker card? Useless.
You win for real. You get the prize. Whatever that is.
You guys did agree on a prize for the winner before starting this game, didn't you?
No? Okay, then it's time to play another game of Finguz. Let's do this!